
Play Again for Imaginarium

Created in 2019

Play Again is the second project we developed during the Communication Design Labs Master of IED in Madrid.
This project was created for Imaginarium, the famous Spanish toy brand. 


Imaginarium asked us to design communication solutions to reinforce the brand vision over education,
experience and innovation and to adapt them to the interests and needs of parents and children.


“Play Again gives parents opportunities to stand together, 
help each other and extend the life of their old toys 
by taking sustainable and social choices”

Play Again is not just a project, but it’s an entire eco-system of experiences and activities that people can reach from any point.
It’s been created based on the parents’s needs and pains and on the Imaginarium’s necessities and strenghts.


26% unemployed
More than 50% don’t have their own house
Use social media (Instagram the most)
Care about sustainability
Support social projects
Love brand with their same values
Prefer to go to stores to buy toys for the kids
Keep searching for advises to improve as parents



Educational toys
Have heritage
Spread happiness
Offer holistic experiences
Make better kids and parents
Help families
CSR company
Need to improve communication and platforms

This is Play Again with all its main activities: toys donation, naked shop, recreate toys, swap the toys, moving workshop and the platforms.


Parents and children can bring their old toys (of any brand) to the Imaginarium stores. Before donating them, we just ask them to tell us something about the toy and their relationship with them (toy’s name, how they met, what kind of superpower the toy has, etc.).
Most of the toys will be donated to Goodwill Industries and the parents can collect membership’s points for the Imaginarium Club.

The idea is to use the iconic and famous door of Imaginarium and to put the box to donate on the kids’ side in order to involve the children in the process and transmit them the values of sharing, recycling and donating.




Here there is a simple step that Imaginarium can do to make the difference and work to create a better future for the next generations. Inside the stores the products can be shown without the packeaging and also at the moment of the purchase the client has the choise to buy the toys without the pack. 
In this way Imaginarium can easily recycle all the packaging and the clients are involved in the process. 


This is an activity to breath new life into the old Imaginarium toys, to bring back nostalgia, give more values to the toys and give to parents a moment to create and have fun with their children. 
The video show the process of recreation mixing old and natural elements. At the end the kids will also insert an heart that sybolized the superpower of the toy. The children will also create a re-birth-day certificate of their new friend. 
This workshop can be easily insert among the other workshops that Imaginarium is already running into their stores.


This is another way to bring people to the Imaginarium stores. People will be invited to this event and asked to bring their old toys to exchange them. This is a good way to find a new owner to the toys, bring happiness to the kids, share memories and experiences and generate more traffic (increasing the selling) inside the shops. 


One of the missions of Imaginarium is to spread happiness and help the kids to learn through playing. With this inniciative Imaginarium can bring the happiness where is needed, expanding the limit of the stores. The brand can collaborate with social institutions and create tailored workshop depending by the necessities of the kids. In this way the experts of Imaginarium will leave the stores and become more socially active and involved. 




To integrate Play Again with the Imaginarium brand and highlight the CSR soul of the brand we proposed a landing page on their website. It will show and explain the entire ecosystem with all the activities. Than, to reach the perennials and spread Play Again Imaginarium can create a special account for Play Again.


The storytelling for the promotion of Play Again is build around the belief that toys have superpowers.

The toys are one of the more important things during the childhood, but most of the time they are throw away and wasted just because the children need and want different toys. But, as Imaginarium knows, the toys have a lot to give to the kids and this is what we like to call superpower. They are crucial to develop a lot of skills and that’s way we want to try to save the toys. We want to extend their life and give them the chance to Play Again. 

Here some simple prototypes.

On the left, an example of pop-up promotion.
It’s a big pop-up box with play tunnel inside in with kids can play with. 
It will be used mainly to give information about Play Again, but can be used also to test new toys and receive new members for the Imaginarium Club.
It will be made of recycled rubber, which is a sustainable, cheap, soft and safe material, perfect to deliver our values and for children. 
It can be placed in quares or used during events. 

Thanks to:

Sooji Kim – for creating this project together

Ugo Ceria and Manuel Toro – for the precious tutoring