
Everybody Walking

I created Everybody Walking in 2015 for a project of my Clan Phoenix – scout group Mantova 9.


After one year discussing about the pros and cons of new technology and social media in everyday life, we decided as a Clan to create something that could have been useful for every scout. We realized that almost every time is really difficult to find technical and logistic information about a specific path, such as check-point for fresh water or contact information to be host during the night. That’s why we come out with the idea to create a cooperative website in which everyone is free to add his experiences and suggestions to help others.


The aim of this webesite is to collect all the routes and paths from all the italians Clans in order to have a big repository in which people  can find suggestions, ispiration and raccomandations. The Clans are asked to send also some photos, personal reflexions and logistic information to help the others to organise their own route. It’s a virtual place to share walking or service experiences, fatique and satisfaction.

People can easily send their experiences through the website.
Every route has a cathegory and tags to help people in the research process.
The website is structured to facilitate people to search also depeding by the region or the transportation involved.

Thanks to:

Cecilia Zenari – for the creation of the logo “everybody walking” and the Phoenix logo

Emanuele Goldoni – for the technical and informatic support

All the Clan – for the collection of the contents

Every scout who shared his experience